Conference paper
Proceedings of the 17th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW-XVII), Association for Computational Linguistics, Toronto, Canada, 2023 Jul, pp. 199–210
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Nighojkar, A., Jr., A. L., & Licato, J. (2023). No strong feelings one way or another: Re-operationalizing Neutrality in Natural Language Inference (pp. 199–210). Toronto, Canada: Association for Computational Linguistics.
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Nighojkar, Animesh, Antonio Laverghetta Jr., and John Licato. “No Strong Feelings One Way or Another: Re-Operationalizing Neutrality in Natural Language Inference.” In , 199–210. Proceedings of the 17th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW-XVII). Toronto, Canada: Association for Computational Linguistics, 2023.
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Nighojkar, Animesh, et al. No Strong Feelings One Way or Another: Re-Operationalizing Neutrality in Natural Language Inference. Association for Computational Linguistics, 2023, pp. 199–210, doi:10.18653/v1/
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title = {No strong feelings one way or another: Re-operationalizing Neutrality in Natural Language Inference},
year = {2023},
month = jul,
address = {Toronto, Canada},
pages = {199–210},
publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
series = {Proceedings of the 17th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW-XVII)},
doi = {10.18653/v1/},
author = {Nighojkar, Animesh and Jr., Antonio Laverghetta and Licato, John},
month_numeric = {7}